What is buying tickets by Cash & Miles?

Cash & Miles is the exclusive method of purchasing tickets for Lotusmiles members. Members can combine cash & accrued miles to pay for a part or all of the airfare.

Purchase tickets using Cash & Miles can be done via Vietnam Airlines website.

Conditions for buying tickets using Cash & Miles

To purchase tickets using Cash & Miles, members need to accumulate at least 2,500 miles/1 passenger/1 segment.

Accumulated miles can be used to:

  • Pay for a part or all of the airfare.
  • Pay for airfare of a companion if you share the same reservation code.
  • Pay for the in-flight seat selection service during ticket purchase using Cash & Miles method.


  • When declaring information, members should use only Lotusmiles membership card numbers, not the frequent flyer card numbers of other airlines.
  • Accrued miles are not used to pay for taxes, fees and surcharges.
  • Tickets bought using Cash & Miles are eligible for earning miles as Lotusmiles Program policy.
  • If passengers do not take a flight and need to refund:
    1. Voluntary refund: miles used are not refundable.
    2. Involuntary refund: miles used are refunded in accordance with the ticket handling guidelines of the Conditions of Carriage.

How to buy tickets using Cash & Miles

Members purchase tickets using Cash & Miles via the Vietnam Airlines website follow the steps here.

Support contact

For prompt support, please contact one of the following channels:

Lotusmiles member care center
Contact Vietnam Airlines’ branch offices